
Top #1 Mistake Women Make

Best Way to Lose Weight for Women 

"Top #1 Mistake"

What is the best way to lose weight for women?

One of the questions I get from women who come to me for help with losing 20 pounds is this....

"What EXTREME Exercises do I have to do to lose weight?" they breathe a HEAVY SIGH

And with a big smile on my face, my response is always this:

You don't have to do Extreme Exercises to lose weight! Weight loss studies have shown that weight loss results are from
90% nutrition, 5% exercise, and 5% genetics.

What this means is that 90% of your effort should be spent monitoring what you eat, what you don't eat, how often you eat, and the problems and stress that you encounter that make you eat emotionally.

***** 90% Nutrition ******

So the previous problem is believing that you can eat whatever you want as long as you workout. When actually the real solution is the exact opposite. Eat the right types of foods, in the right combinations, at the right times and 20 pounds will melt away from your body fast.

You can workout until your face turns blue, but if you are not focused on the foods and drinks you take in every day, and the foods and drinks you shouldn't be taking in every day, then you will not see the results you are looking for and you will burnout and give up.

The first step is to BUST THE MYTH that you have to do EXTREME EXERCISES to lose 20 pounds. It's just not true!!!

So, begin focusing your mind on diet as your best way to lose weight.



Best Way to Lose Weight for Women

1. Keep reminders around (like sticky notes on your refrigerator and computer) that diet is the best way to lose weight.

Most likely, if you are anything like me, you are a very busy woman with a hectic lifestyle. I forget what my options are, and sometimes I just grab and go.

It takes a while to train your mind to think a certain way. Place reminders around so that you can look at them every day, all throughout the day.

After a while, your mind will have those reminders memorized and subconsciously you will automatically know and remember that the best way to lose weight is through diet and nutrition.

One thing that I do is I post my meal plans and food reminders on the refrigerator. This reminder keeps me on track and tells me my food options are every day. Put snacks and meal options on there so that you are constantly reminded what your diet options are, and you will stay on track with your diet.


Best Way to Lose Weight for Women

2. Learn about foods that are good for you and food that are not so great for losing weight.

I was taught very little about food, and the reason is because nobody around me knew about food.

We just grabbed fast food, or cooked fried foods like our grandparents. Fried meat, fried bread, fried vegetables, fried everything! Fried Fried Fried

When I began learning about food, I had no idea where to start. So what I did was talked to new people who seemed to be eating foods and drinking drinks that I had never seen. These people were actually very interested in teaching me.

There are so many ways to gain new information, so that is a great 2nd step....go learn something new about food, buy new foods at the grocery store, and try something new so that you can truly learn for yourself if you like certain foods or not.

You will be surprised at how many foods are actually delicious and healthy. My biggest surprise was avocados. I never had avocados when I was younger, and now I buy them every week. Give them a try, learn something new, you will be surprised at how exciting this adventure can be!


Best Way to Lose Weight for Women

3. Buy books online with meal plans and recipes.

The fastest and easiest way to learn about diet and the best way to lose weight is to buy books.

You can buy books online through or, and other online book stores. You can also go to the local bookstore in your area and buy books about food, recipes, healthy eating, and meal plans.

Most books include a lot of information, brilliant pictures of foods with descriptions of what those foods are and how to eat them.

Make sure you find a book that is simple, easy to understand, and has meal plans that won't overwhelm you.

Keep it simple is they key to your success when buying books.


4. Read blogs that share tips and weight loss success stories.

Blogs are one of the easiest, fastest, and FREE ways to get information and recipes about diet. Most blogs also share the blogger's personal story which can really help you relate to that person and the struggles they also are going through.

Don't be afraid to comment and message them with questions.

Bloggers are people too, and they want to connect with you and help you just as much as you want answers to your questions.

If they don't comment back, then just move on to another blog. There are a ton of blogs out there and friendly bloggers who truly want to help others with their diet and weight loss.

I suggest finding 5-10 blogs to follow, that are written by women who have been on the same kind of weight loss journey that you are on.


Best Way to Lose Weight for Women

5. Keep a food journal. Write down every thing you eat and drink for a week and add up the calories. This will blow your mind, I promise!

When I first started keeping track of what I ate, I had no idea how much or what I was putting in my mouth.

What i did was kept track of all the calories I ate and drink each day, for about 2 weeks.

I added up all of the calories and looks at the types of foods I was eating, and it really gave me a new perspective on what I was eating. I found out that I was drinking a TON of sugary drinks all throughout the day, and eating a TON of fried and processed foods.

I also gained a 7th sense of how much I was eating every day and how that made me FEEL.

Then I switched out some fired foods for baked foods, and sugary drinks for water and diet drinks.

I started to feel better and balanced out my calories to around 2,000 calories a day, which was great for me.

So start a food journal today!


Do these things to begin focusing your mind:

6. Hire a nutritionist, even in just 1 visit you could learn a ton of information about what to eat to lose weight.

I know this is not practical for you if you have a very busy and hectic lifestyle. However, just one visit could change everything.

They are trained and knowledgeable about how food interacts with the body and the best foods to eat, and they will make suggestions and recommendations especially for you.

So I would suggest seeing a nutritionist, at least once if you can.


Best Way to Lose Weight for Women

7. Subscribe to a healthy eating diet magazine.

This is one of the first things that I did when I was beginning to lose weight.

Right now you can go to any grocery or convenience store and buy a magazine with diet and weight loss information, and you get immediate motivation.

The next thing you can do is subscribe to the magazine that motivates you the most. That way, every month, you have a new magazine in the mail, with new and fresh motivation to lose weight.


Best Way to Lose Weight for Women

8. Tell your friends and family your weight loss goals with food, and ask them for helpful tips and support.

First and foremost, only tell the family and friends that are supportive of your goals. And if they are not supportive, have a talk with them about your goals and how you feel, and perhaps this will help them understand and become supportive.

Once you have found supportive friends and family, tell them your goals and ask them for help with achieving your goals.

Perhaps they can give your supportive comments, not haggle you when you eat different from them during get together and parties, and perhaps they would like to join you and set goals for themselves and share the journey with you.

This is very important, because you need support during these trying times! I am here for you and support you in your weight loss goals, and you deserve to have that kind of support.


Best Way to Lose Weight for Women

9. Join a weight loss forum. Share your journey with other women who are also losing weight with diet.

Forums are a great way to get support and information online.

Join a forum, such as and begin chatting and connecting with other women who are also dieting and losing weight. Keep track of your weight loss with posts and pictures, and even join in weight loss challenges.

This is a great way to keep track of what you are doing, get support from other women, get motivation, and also be help accountable (in a gentle online forum kind of way.)


Best Way to Lose Weight for Women

10. Message or comment me! I love hearing from you and helping you, just like I have helped 100's of other women with learning about the best way to lose 20 pounds through diet, without ever having to exercise.

My mission is to help other women with their weight loss goals, even if it is something very simple, a question, or you just need me to point you in a certain direction. I don't bite, I promise!

Comment here on this blog or follow me on facebook, twitter, pinterest, google+1, or squidoo

You can message me, comment, or email me!

I am here to help you and support you with your goals.


Lose 20 Pounds

Best Way to Lose Weight for Women!

Almonds for Diet Weight Loss

Remember ***** It's 90% Nutrition *****


Link List

The following links are some of my highest recommended links:

These are links that I have used and I recommend to you to get started with you weight loss and diet plan.

Remember ***** 90% Nutrition *****
Deidra's Blog "Best Ways to Lose Weight"
A blog you can follow for recipes, diet tips, information, success stories, mistakes, solutions, and feedback.
Clean Eating Magazine
This is one of my all time favorite magazines for eating clean!
3 Fat Chicks, Weight Loss Forum
Weight Loss Forum
The Woodlands Institute
Find a nutritionist and check on your overall body health and wellness.
Calorie King
A place to search any foods to find and add up calories and keep a food journal.

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