
SUGAR...How much in a day???????

Lets keep this really SIMPLE!

40 grams of sugar in a day!

NOTE: 1 sugared 12 oz can of cola, has 36+ grams of sugar. 

For some people this works out just fine, but for me, I never achieved my weight loss goals until I cut out "High Fructose Corn Syrup" completely. Which means no 12 oz can of sugared cola for ME!

I got the following information from it out!!
"There is no definitive answer to the question, but 40 grams is the recommended amount for non-diabetic people. If you're diabetic or borderline diabetic, please see the note at the bottom. 40 grams of sugar refers mainly to added sugar, which is anything that is put into foods rather that which is naturally occurring such as in fruit. By this logic, for instance, ALL sugar in soda would be considered "added," since the beverage itself is constructed rather than harvested.


Anonymous said...

Energy drinks are loaded with sugar too! One 12oz can Red Bull has 39g of sugar!!!

Whitney Burran said...

Energy drinks are loaded with sugar too! One 12oz can Red Bull has 39g of sugar!!!